For over ten years, the MetaMythic team has helped organizations develop successful security programs and solve employee engagement problems. Our team brings a unique mix of experience and skills together that is unparalleled anywhere else.
Who we are.
We’re proud to have a team full of insiders.
Our team possesses decades of experience working as leaders, trainers, and employees inside critical infrastructure industries. We’ve walked the same office, plant, and substation floors that your people walk and understand their challenges.
Complementing this business experience, our training development organization has creative and technical veterans from the education and video game industries, allowing us to create always-engaging and often-groundbreaking content. -
MetaMythic started when two managers (Chris and Charlie) at an energy utility partnered with an experienced creative director (Mike) to replace their ineffective compliance training with something revolutionary.
The results were extraordinary, flipping engagement from near-zero to over 85%, so the team decided to try applying the method to new training problems. The result was the creation of the MetaMythic Method, a reliable way to solve any employee training problem and get consistent engagement results.
The team initially decided to give the methodology away for companies to use, They attended conferences across the country, providing free training and workshops on the MetaMythic Method.
However, the team regularly had companies ask for training products.
In response to these requests, Charlie, Chris, and Mike formed MetaMythic in 2014 to develop cyber-security training products using the MetaMythic Method.
We’re proud to be the only training organization that came out of the business, creating products to solve the cyber-security and compliance problems we faced ourselves in the industry. -
From our first cyber-security training module, we've attracted talented people who want to be at the forefront of equipping and empowering folks through remarkably effective training products.
All three founders, Charlie, Chris, and Mike, remain with the company, which has grown to include experts from many disciplines. MetaMythic now has access to a talented team of interaction designers, animators, developers, voice actors, and other experts.